Research based 18th century reproduction material culture and consultation.
Traditional Cutlery
by Eric Schatzel
Schatzel Forgeworks
Butcher, Folding, Springback Knives, Forks
Original knife and reproduction
Unsurpased in quality, materials, form, and function, these folding knives are the pinnacle in reproduced 18th century cutlery, bar none.
Scissors of this type were commonly traded during the 17th century within native communities throughout the Northeast. The original example from which this was copied was found at Boughton Hill site, aka, Ganondagan, Victor NY.
Reproductions of 3 different patterns of Dutch trade knifes of a similar style. These are commonly found in an archaeological context throughout Central and Western NY. Copied directly from original examples.
Reproduction 17th century long bolstered table knife. Carbon steel with forge welded bolster and tang of wrought iron.
Original and Reproduction